Felvételi a 2020-2021-es tanévre
Az emelt szintű angol nyelvi képzésre jelentkezőknek (tagozatkód: 8000) szóbeli felvételi meghallgatást tartunk. A vizsga három részből áll:
- szövegértési feladat,
- témakifejtés, utána irányított beszélgetés az adott témáról (lásd Témakörök)
- képleírás
Az értékelésnél figyelembe vett nyelvi szempontok:
nyelvhelyesség, szókincs, kommunikációs készség, kreativitás
Maximálisan elérhető pontszám: 50
A vizsga időtartama: (max 15 perc)
- Family
- Sports
- Transport
- Housework
- TV, cinema, films
- Pets, zoo
- Hobbies, free time
- Daily routine
- School and friends
- Meals
- Shopping
- Computer, Internet
- Holidays
- Weather, clothing
- Famous people
Mintafeladatsor az angol nyelvből emelt szintű képzésre jelentkező diákok számára
Szövegértési feladat
The ugly hat
One day a lady walked into a hat shop. The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Good afternoon, madam."
"Good afternoon," the lady answered. "There is a green hat with red flowers and blue leaves on it in your shop-window. Will you please take it out of there?"
"Yes, madam," the shopkeeper said. "I will be very pleased to do that for you." Usually ladies looked at a lot of hats before they chose one, and the shopkeeper got very tired. "Good," he thought, "I will sell this hat very quickly, it has been in my window for a very long time."
"Do you want it in a box, madam," he asked the lady," or will you wear it?"
"Oh, I don't want it," she answered. "I only wanted you to take it out of your window. I pass your shop every day and I hate to see the ugly thing there."
Answer the questions:
- When was the shopkeeper happy? Why?
- When was he unhappy? Why?
- Was he polite? If yes, find the polite words. If not, find the rude words.
- Was the lady polite? If yes, find the polite words. If not, find the rude words.
- What did the shopkeeper answer in the end? Guess!
Témakifejtés, utána beszélgetés az adott témáról (példák kérdésekre)
- How do you usually get to school?
- How much time does it take you to get there?
- What does your school look like? (size, colour, number of classes etc.)
- Do you enjoy studying English? Why?
- How long have you been learning English?
- Do you like going there? Why? Why not?
- Which subjects are you interested in?
- How did you meet your best friend?
- What makes someone a good friend?
- What do you like doing when you're together?
- How do you share the housework in your family?
- What is your task?
- What is your favourite?
- Can you cook? if yes: what? if no: do you want to learn?
- How often do you clean your room/wash the dishes/water the plants?
Finish the sentences:
1. Two days ago..............................................................................
2. My father .................................................................................
3. Why .......................................................................................?
4. Don't .......................................................................................
5. Tomorrow I .................................................................................