Unite the Nations: Time Project Result


 Unite the Nations Time Project's comittee's evaluation of our patricipation :

As this was our 25th Anniversary the organizers of Time had a special Test designed. We took questions that students had made over the past 24 years to use for this test. For the first time in 24 years students had to answer questions from their own country since those questions were designed by other students years ago. The test included 325 questions representing 61 different countries.

32 Schools participated in this test representing 16 of the 22 countries in this year's project.

Honourable mention to the next 5 schools

  • Vaels International School, Chennai, India.
  • Lawrence S. Ting School, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Vels Vidyashram Senior School, Thalamur, India
  •  Buca Municipality Kızılçullu Science and Art Center Izmir,             Turkey
  •  Szinyei Merse Pál Gimnázium Budapest, Hungary

The test was particularly challenging this year with only the top 5 schools scoring in the 80s percentile. However the vast majority of schools scored in the 70s percentile and no one failed the test this year.

Iskolánk csapataiban a 9a, 9e, 9b, 10c, 10f, 11a, 11f, 12a, 12c diákjai voltak.  Tanáraik: dr. Kőszeginé Majoros Ágnes, Grünberg Ágnes, Csontos Katalin, Orbán Gabriella, Barta Beáta

Köszönjük a verseny helyi megszervezését dr Kőszeginé Majoros Ágnes és Grünberg Ágnes tanárnőknek és a résztvevő osztályok és tanáraik lelkes munkáját. 

A weboldalt szerkeszti: Barta Beáta- barta.beata@szinyeigimibp.hu
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