Felvételi a 2020-2021-es tanévre


Az emelt szintű angol nyelvi képzésre jelentkezőknek (tagozatkód: 8000) szóbeli felvételi meghallgatást tartunk. A vizsga három részből áll:

  • szövegértési feladat,
  • témakifejtés, utána irányított beszélgetés az adott témáról (lásd Témakörök)
  • képleírás

Az értékelésnél figyelembe vett nyelvi szempontok:

nyelvhelyesség, szókincs, kommunikációs készség, kreativitás

Maximálisan elérhető pontszám: 50

A vizsga időtartama: (max 15 perc)


  1. Family
  2. Sports
  3. Transport
  4. Housework
  5. TV, cinema, films
  6. Pets, zoo
  7. Hobbies, free time
  8. Daily routine
  9. School and friends
  10. Meals
  11. Shopping
  12. Computer, Internet
  13. Holidays
  14. Weather, clothing
  15. Famous people

Mintafeladatsor az angol nyelvből emelt szintű képzésre jelentkező diákok számára

Szövegértési feladat

The ugly hat

One day a lady walked into a hat shop. The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Good afternoon, madam."

"Good afternoon," the lady answered. "There is a green hat with red flowers and blue leaves on it in your shop-window. Will you please take it out of there?"

"Yes, madam," the shopkeeper said. "I will be very pleased to do that for you." Usually ladies looked at a lot of hats before they chose one, and the shopkeeper got very tired. "Good," he thought, "I will sell this hat very quickly, it has been in my window for a very long time."

"Do you want it in a box, madam," he asked the lady," or will you wear it?"

"Oh, I don't want it," she answered. "I only wanted you to take it out of your window. I pass your shop every day and I hate to see the ugly thing there."

Answer the questions:

  • When was the shopkeeper happy? Why?
  • When was he unhappy? Why?
  • Was he polite? If yes, find the polite words. If not, find the rude words.
  • Was the lady polite? If yes, find the polite words. If not, find the rude words.
  • What did the shopkeeper answer in the end? Guess!

Témakifejtés, utána beszélgetés az adott témáról (példák kérdésekre)

  • How do you usually get to school?
  • How much time does it take you to get there?
  • What does your school look like? (size, colour, number of classes etc.)
  • Do you enjoy studying English? Why?
  • How long have you been learning English?
  • Do you like going there? Why? Why not?
  • Which subjects are you interested in?
  • How did you meet your best friend?
  • What makes someone a good friend?
  • What do you like doing when you're together?


  1. How do you share the housework in your family?
  2. What is your task?
  3. What is your favourite?
  4. Can you cook? if yes: what?   if no: do you want to learn?
  5. How often do you clean your room/wash the dishes/water the plants?

Finish the sentences:

1. Two days ago..............................................................................

2. My father .................................................................................

3. Why .......................................................................................?

4. Don't .......................................................................................

5. Tomorrow I .................................................................................

A weboldalt szerkeszti: Barta Beáta- barta.beata@szinyeigimibp.hu
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